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ashrae-logo[intro_text]The ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA SimBuild 2016: Building Performance Modeling Conference highlights nearly 100 speakers that present useful applications of tools, case-study papers, and seminars covering simulation, research, and current technology. This year’s conference takes place August 10-12 in Salt Lake City, Utah.[/intro_text]

PSD’s Vice President of Research and Development and Conference Steering Committee member, Chris Balbach will provide a pre-conference session on using OpenStudio Frameworks to perform IPMVP Option D Adherent Analysis. Recent advances in the OpenStudio suite of tools provide new ways for users to interact with a calibration framework that can be used for either new construction or retrofit projects – including incorporating uncertainty analysis. Attendees will use OpenStudio tools to configure an analysis scenario involving calibration, apply parameter sensitivity analysis to determine parameters of influence, and execute a calibration exercise where solutions are discovered.

“The first jointly organized conference was held in 2014 and was a huge success in its ability to bring the building energy analysis and performance simulation community together and provide the conference content to serve attendees,” Dennis Knight, Conference chair, said. “The ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA SimBuild 2016 Conference seeks to build upon that success and further improve the industry’s ability to accurately model building performance.”

Chris will also present a conference paper session during Friday’s final Technical Program. Paper session topics include: model calibration and verification, urban scale modeling, uncertainty analysis, optimization, data visualization, reality captures for modeling, HVAC component modeling and load analysis, lighting and daylighting, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), energy auditing, life cycle cost and economic analysis, automation and scripting, combined use of tools, occupant comfort, energy efficiency, and weather data.

Held in conjunction with the conference is the 2016 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown. Participants will model a net zero or below building. The baseline building for the challenge is a 50,000-square-foot, three-story outpatient health care facility. PSD’s Building Energy Modeling Analyst, Harshul Singhal will participate with over 90 participants from nine teams to create their model using the industry’s major tools.

For more information and to register for the conference, visit


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