Kevin Rowley, a technician with Performance Systems Development (a PGW contractor), demonstrating how the IR Camera can be used to detects air leaks. (Queen Muse/for NewsWorks)
PSD outreach efforts for PGW’s EnergySense Home Rebates program were highlighted last week at a kick-off press event in the Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia. Members of the local media were on hand as PSD technical specialist, Kevin Rowley, performed an in-home energy assessment to raise awareness and enhance understanding of the program for homeowners throughout the region.The program, administered by PSD, helps residential customers reduce monthly bills and use less natural gas by providing Philadelphia homeowners with financial incentives to make comprehensive energy efficiency improvements.
Senior Program Coordinator Matt Stern highlighted the benefits of participating in the program. “We see that as many as 85 percent of [Philadelphia] homes have what we call critical home performance issues, the same sort of issues that can be identified and addressed through the assessment and upgrade process,” he said.
PSD provides training and mentoring opportunities to help regional contractors leverage the program to grow their home performance businesses. The program utilizes Compass, PSD’s signature program management software, to track all program activity, and calculate and process incentive rebate applications. PSD is also working closely with their award-winning marketing partner, Clean Markets, to engage customers and communities throughout PGW’s service area.
Homeowners interested in the EnergySense Home Rebates Program can find out more or schedule their assessment at www.pgwenergysense.com or by calling 1-855-PGW-SOLVES.
Check out media coverage of the event: