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[intro_text]Performance Systems Development was included in Governor Cuomo’s announcement to expand training for clean-energy workforce development across NY State. PSD is offering 50% off a range of trainings through this NYSERDA partnership.[/intro_text]

Susan Mann, Vice President of Program Operations of Performance Systems Development was quoted in the announcement saying:

“Performance Systems Development is proud to be part of the team offering residential and commercial training opportunities through NYSERDA. By making these technical training options available to NYS firms, NYSERDA is driving the kind of market transformation needed to keep the Empire State on the cutting edge of energy efficiency.”

Below is a copy of Governor Cuomo’s announcement. View announcement on the NYSERDA website



Governor Cuomo Announces Expanded Training for Clean-Energy Workforce Across the State

June 30, 2014

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that 14 regional workforce development organizations have been chosen to help deliver energy efficiency skills training needed by the clean-energy industry. By partnering with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), more than 14,000 people across New York State are expected to receive the training during the next two-and-a-half years.

“By working alongside industry leaders to train a high-tech workforce, we are empowering further growth in the State’s growing clean-energy economy,” Governor Cuomo said. “Clean-energy companies have made clear their desire to do business in New York State, and these training opportunities will help deliver the skilled personnel they need to be competitive for years to come.”

The training courses will focus on upgrading skills of existing workers, including energy efficiency job estimators; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians; plumbers; electricians; and weatherization crew members who work on clean-energy projects in the residential, multifamily and commercial/industrial sectors.

Courses will provide skills in priority energy efficiency areas, market sectors and technologies, including new construction, existing homes and commercial buildings, HVAC, building software modeling, lighting, weatherization and air sealing techniques and climate change resiliency. Programs will use on-line, classroom and hybrid courses.

John B. Rhodes, President and CEO of NYSERDA said, “Training programs driven by employer demand and aligned with industry needs help companies become more competitive and maintain jobs in New York State. As Governor Cuomo expedites new policies to transform clean-energy markets and advance programs like New York Works, NYSERDA is supporting workforce training for the clean-energy jobs of today and tomorrow.”

The following organizations will provide training.

  • Association for Energy Affordability Inc., New York City
  • Association of Energy Engineers with chapters in Long Island, Capital Region, New York City and Western New York
  • Building Performance Contracting Association of New York State
  • CEC Stuyvesant Cove, dba Solar One, New York City
  • CUNY Institute for Urban Systems, New York City
  • Green Jobs Training Center Inc., Queens
  • Lighting Research Center, Troy
  • New York State Labor-Management Cooperation Committee
  • New York State Weatherization Directors Association
  • New York State Builders Association
  • Northeast Parent Child & Society, Schenectady
  • Performance Systems Development, Ithaca
  • Urban Green Council, New York City
  • SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge (Ulster County)

View a list of classes to be offered in individual regions [XLSX].

The majority of NYSERDA support will directly offset tuition costs for eligible participants – 70 percent of tuition for training completed by December 2014 and 60 percent for training completed after January 1, 2015. Proposals that incorporate hands-on training or leverage other funding were given preference.

Susan Mann, Vice President of Program Operations of Performance Systems Development said, “Performance Systems Development is proud to be part of the team offering residential and commercial training opportunities through NYSERDA. By making these technical training options available to NYS firms, NYSERDA is driving the kind of market transformation needed to keep the Empire State on the cutting edge of energy efficiency.”

David Hepinstall, Executive Director of the Association for Energy Affordability Inc. said, “With advances in building science and technology, energy efficiency best practices are continually changing. AEA’s courses are designed to prepare new workers with strong grounding in building science and up-to-date skill sets to perform work on today’s energy efficiency projects.”

New York State has supported energy efficiency and renewable energy workforce development and training initiatives since 1998, training more than 30,000 participants, and has a network of more than 70 clean energy training providers across the state, including community colleges, State University of New York (SUNY), City University of New York (CUNY), Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), unions, and non-profit training entities. Workforce development training and initiatives include basic and advanced technical training, career pathways, on-the-job-training, internships and apprenticeships. More than $25 million has been provided by NYSERDA between 2006 and 2011 for workforce development training with $51 million planned for 2012-2016.

For more information on NYSERDA’s workforce development and training programs, visit

With this latest initiative, New York’s role as a leader and first mover in shaping the future of energy remains firmly in place. By developing innovative market solutions, the State is delivering on Governor Cuomo’s commitment to transform the energy industry into a more resilient, clean, cost-effective and dynamic system. Working with State, citizen and industry-stakeholders, the way of doing business in New York is moving to a more market-based, decentralized approach. This means preserving the environment, decreasing energy costs, and creating opportunities for economic growth for current and future generations of New Yorkers. In advancing these new energy systems and solutions, New Yorkers will have improved energy affordability and efficiency without sacrificing the ability to live in a cleaner, resilient and more sustainable environment.


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New York State | Executive Chamber | | 518.474.8418


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