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New York Energy Stretch Code Training

Moving Energy Codes Forward

New York Energy Stretch Code Training

Free registration for New York Code Officials.

*Use discount code: NYCEO

*For use by New York Code Officials only.
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S2.1 NYStretch Energy Code for Residential Buildings 90 minute (Pt 1)

T02- 07-2977

This course is Part 1 of a two-part series covering the envelope requirements for residential buildings in the NYStretch Code.  We also discuss the intention and benefits of this voluntary code and its relationship to the New York City energy code.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the intent and savings potential of the residential provisions of NYStretch
  • Identify all available energy code compliance pathways under NYStretch(or NYCECC)
  • Identify differences between NYStretch(or NYCECC) and the base code
  • Identify and understand all “mandatory” requirements (items that must be met regardless of compliance path)

S2.2 NYStretch Energy Code for Residential Buildings 90 minute (Pt 2)


This course is Part 2 of a two-part series and coversthe mechanical, plumbing and lighting requirements for residential buildings in the NYStretch Code, as well as requirements covering electric power systems.  We will also discuss the relationship of this voluntary code to the mandatory New York City energy code.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify how mechanical equipment efficiencies and lighting factor into each energy code compliance option under NYStretch(or NYCECC)
  • Identify differences between NYStretch (or NYCECC) and the base code for mechanical, plumbing and lighting systems
  • Understand the Electric Power (Solar-ready and EV-ready) requirements
  • Identify and understand all “mandatory” requirements (items that must be met regardless of compliance path)

S3.1 NYStretch Energy Code for Commercial Buildings (Pt 1)


This course is Part 1 of a two-part series covering several requirements in the NYStretch Code for commercial buildings including: code compliance paths; building thermal envelope; mechanical systems; service water heating; commissioning; and, additions and alterations. We also discuss the intention and benefits of this voluntary code and its relationship to the New York City energy code.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify all available energy code compliance pathways under NYStretch
  • Identify differences between NYStretch and the base energy code
  • Understand which provisions are modifications of the IECC/ASHRAE versus an expansion in scope
  • Identify and understand all mandatory requirements (items that must be met regardless of compliance path)

S3.2 NYStretch Energy Code for Commercial Buildings (Pt 2)


This course is Part 2 of a two-part series covering several requirements in the NYStretch Code for commercial buildings including Electric Power; Appendix CA; Kitchen Equipment and Elevators; Building Monitoring; Lighting; Total Building Performance; Additional Efficiency Packages and Appendix CC. We also discuss the intention and benefits of this voluntary code and its relationship to the New York City energy code.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand requirements for Electric Power and Lighting under NYStretch.
  • Understand requirements for Appendix CA Solar-Ready.
  • Identify requirements for commercial kitchen appliances and elevators.
  • Understand which provisions are modifications of the base code versus an expansion in scope.

Energy Codes Trainings

Please contact Jim Pisani for questions or training assistance at (215) 360-6803 or

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It's not easy to keep a webinar about codes interesting and engaging. Well played. Thank you

Energy Professional

The online class was wonderful! It was short, simple and informative. Looking forward to attend your other classes!


Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

Your presentations are some of the best I have seen in a long time, well done.

Code Enforcement Official

Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

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