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New York Commercial Energy Code Training

Moving Energy Codes Forward

New York Commercial Code Course Descriptions

Free registration for New York Code Officials.

*Use discount code: NYCEO

*For use by New York Code Officials only.
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(C1.1) Mechanical Systems for Large Commercial Buildings (Part 1)


Large commercial buildings are common in large urban areas, and while less common in suburban and rural areas, they have large per-building energy impacts. This program will prepare design professionals and code enforcement officials ensure their work results in buildings with better-than-average energy use intensities.
Attendees will be asked to pinpoint the locations in construction documents where various mechanical controls and equipment specifications are (or should be). Guided discussions will help attendees identify the best ways to provide adequate documentation on plans and inspect or elucidate control configurations in the field.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the types and basic functions of common and complex HVAC systems
  • Identify where ventilation and related equipment are required including economizers, demand-controlled ventilation, and energy recovery ventilation
  • Understand fan power limitation calculations and how to determine if systems meet code limits
  • Know when commissioning is required and identify what is needed to show compliance

(C1.2) Lighting Systems for Large Commercial Buildings (Part 2)


Large commercial buildings are common in large urban areas, and while less common in suburban and rural areas, they have large per-building energy impacts. This program will prepare design professionals and code enforcement officials ensure their work results in buildings with better-than-average energy use intensities.
Attendees will be asked to pinpoint the locations in construction documents where various lighting controls and equipment specifications are (or should be). Attendees will understand lighting power code requirements for both interior and exterior applications. Guided discussions will help attendees identify the best ways to provide adequate documentation on plans and inspect or elucidate control configurations in the field.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the 2020 ECCCNYS code requirements for commercial lighting systems
  • Understand lighting power density calculations and how to determine if building and space types meet code limits
  • Understand how to do calculate exterior lighting power allowances
  • How to provide evidence of lighting functional testing

(C2.1) Prioritizing ECCCNYS Enforcement for Commercial Buildings – Envelope (Part 1)


In a robust study of commercial buildings, 21% of the energy code provisions investigated were responsible for 81% of the potential savings.  This created a framework for prioritizing energy code enforcement efforts based on the time it takes to verify a code provision versus the energy savings potential.  With code enforcement officials being strapped for time and having other life-health safety priorities, this course, Part 1 of a two-part series, covering high-impact commercial envelope requirements, will help them prioritize efforts, improve compliance, and maximize the realization of savings inherent in the energy code.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify energy code envelope requirements with the greatest energy impacts and prioritize energy code documentation
  • Describe a process for creating and reviewing plans that includes documenting and assessing the highest impact energy code provisions related to envelope
  • Understand how to integrate provided construction details verification forms and checklists into normal compliance documentation or enforcement processes
  • Identify permit application specifications that enable a simplified plan review process as well as a process for providing or collecting verification forms

(C2.2) Prioritizing ECCCNYS Enforcement for Commercial Buildings – Mechanical &
Lighting (Part 2)


In a robust study of commercial buildings, 21% of the energy code provisions investigated were responsible for 81% of the potential savings. This created a framework for prioritizing energy code enforcement efforts based on the time it takes to verify a code provision versus the energy savings potential. With code enforcement officials being strapped for time and having other life-health safety priorities, this course, Part 2 of a two-part series, covering high-impact commercial mechanical and lighting requirements, will help them prioritize efforts, improve compliance, and maximize the realization of savings inherent in the energy code.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the energy code requirements with the greatest energy impacts and prioritize energy code documentation
  • Describe a process for creating and reviewing plans that includes documenting and assessing the highest impact energy code provisions
  • Understand how to integrate provided construction details verification forms and checklists into normal compliance documentation or enforcement processes
  • Identify permit application specifications that enable a simplified plan review process as well as a process for providing or collecting verification forms

(C3.1) The New York Energy Code for Simple Commercial Buildings – Retail Case Study (Part 1)


This course will cover 2020 ECCCNYS requirements in the context of a retail building case study. The first portion of the program will cover owner-installed building envelope requirements for a typical retail store. The second portion will cover tenant-installed items, including single-zone HVAC systems and lighting. The third and final portion of the program will be a plan review exercise with audience participation that is intended to enhance knowledge retention.

Learning objectives

  • Describe prescriptive insulation requirements for a simple retail building case study and required inputs for COMcheck when tradeoffs are being used
  • Determine mechanical system requirements for single-zone HVAC systems with the use of COMcheck certificates and checklists
  • Identify and resolve areas of confusion with tenant fit outs
  • Compare building drawings with accompanying COMcheck documentation and identify inconsistencies

(C3.2) The New York Energy Code for Simple Commercial Buildings – Mixed-use Multifamily and other Case Studies (Part 2)


This course will cover 2020 ECCCNYS requirements in the context of three case studies. The first will be a 6-story mixed-use apartment building, covering envelope requirements, the second will be a new HVAC system for a grocery store, and the third will be an office buildout within an existing building. This course will cover envelope, mechanical, and lighting requirements for these building types and include an interactive example to test your knowledge and improve retention.

Learning objectives

  • Describe prescriptive insulation requirements for several framing types and required inputs for COMcheck when tradeoffs are being used
  • Determine mechanical system requirements for single-zone HVAC systems with the use of COMcheck certificates and checklists
  • Identify and resolve areas of confusion with tenant fit outs
  • Compare building drawings with accompanying COMcheck documentation for a variety of building types and identify inconsistencies

Energy Codes Trainings

Please contact Jim Pisani for questions or training assistance at (215) 360-6803 or

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It's not easy to keep a webinar about codes interesting and engaging. Well played. Thank you

Energy Professional

The online class was wonderful! It was short, simple and informative. Looking forward to attend your other classes!


Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

Your presentations are some of the best I have seen in a long time, well done.

Code Enforcement Official

Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

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