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Massachusetts Energy Code Training

Moving Energy Codes Forward

Massachusetts Energy Code Training

[intro_text]Mass Save Energy Code Technical Support is delivered by Performance Systems Development (PSD). Support services are offered as part of the Mass Save Codes and Standards Compliance and Support Initiative. The Sponsors of Mass Save® are providing this service as a part of their long-standing commitment to improve the energy performance of the building stock throughout Massachusetts.[/intro_text]

Please email Jim Pisani at or call 215-360-6803 to discuss scheduling a training event for your group.

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The Mass Save® Energy Code Technical Support Program is offering a variety of residential and commercial energy code continuing education courses, and we’re seeking partner organizations to host these programs. Please review the course descriptions below and email Bill Footer at for more information on hosting an event.


Intended Audiences:

Design Professionals, Code Enforcement Officials, Homebuilders, Design-build Firms, and Energy Professionals.

Continuing Education:*

  • MA Code Enforcement Officials 1.5 CECs
  • Architects 1.5 AIA LU | HSWs
  • Home Performance Contractors 1.5 BPI CEUs
  • MA Construction Supervisors 1.5 CSL CEUs

Trainer Biographies

Bill Footer – Energy Efficiency Program Manager

Bill Footer has over 27 years of experience working in the energy efficiency industry. Bill has worked on single-family and multi-family retrofit programs, conducted thousands of audits, written work orders for energy efficiency upgrades, and managed contractors installing the upgrades. He has participated in New Construction studies to evaluate the load added to existing power grids in areas experiencing a boom in new construction, conducted training for new employees, and presented to groups wanting to learn more about energy efficiency. Bill has also managed utility programs, responsible for meeting savings goals. He currently works at PSD delivering presentations on the Energy Code in Massachusetts.

Mike Turns, Director of Energy Code Services

Mike has been with PSD for over eight years, managing several residential new construction and energy code support programs. Currently, Mike manages the implementation of the MassSave® Codes and Standards Compliance and Support Initiative, New York energy code training funded by NYSERDA, and energy code support services to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Before that, Mike led the DOE-funded Pennsylvania Residential Energy Code Field Study. He is an expert in the International Energy Conservation Code and has developed and taught numerous training programs in several states under a variety of code versions. He has over 15 years of energy code training experience and has presented at national conferences like the RESNET, HPC, the DOE Energy Codes Conference, and AESP. Prior to joining PSD, he was the Associate Director of the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC) at Penn State University, where he managed the largest provider of residential building code training in Pennsylvania. Mike has a master’s degree from Penn State with a thesis focused on assessing and reducing energy consumption in new homes.

Please contact Jim Pisani for questions or training assistance at (215) 360-6803 or

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Energy Codes Trainings

It's not easy to keep a webinar about codes interesting and engaging. Well played. Thank you

Energy Professional

The online class was wonderful! It was short, simple and informative. Looking forward to attend your other classes!


Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

Your presentations are some of the best I have seen in a long time, well done.

Code Enforcement Official

Thank you for providing these energy code trainings free to code officials.  Energy code trainings are the most tedious of the mandatory trainings, but your presenters do a good job of providing the information in a way that is interesting and holds your attention.

Building Code Official

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PSD Compass is a configurable enterprise solution for energy efficiency programs and implementers.


Technology for large-scale electrification, Heat Pump + Retrofit Toolkit, standardized simulations and tools.

Energy Codes

Expert technical leadership achieving decarbonization, cost-effectiveness, resilience, and equity goals.

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Moving the industry forward with PSD’s intimate knowledge of how buildings work.


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