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Due to health concerns to the RESNET community over the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 RESNET Conference will shift from its traditional in-person event to an interactive, virtual alternative. The theme this year is “A New Path to the Future”. Sessions begin on February 22nd and last through February 24th.

A few of our own will be presenting during these informative, virtual sessions.

Mike Turns and Emelie Cuppernell Glitch will both be presenters for a session called “EPP-12 Choosing Cost-Effective HERS Index Targets for Programs, Energy Codes, and Builders”

Cindy Zeis will be the presenter for multiple sessions. Such as:

“RES-11 Fostering Common Language Across Trades”

“RES-12 Impact of Crisis on Growth Momentum”

“RES-18 Practical Implementation of RESNET QA Checklist- A QAD’s Perspective”

To register click the image/link below and we will see you there!

#WeSpeakBuilding #Sustainability #EnergyEfficiency #PSD #Resnet