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This quarter’s Employee Spotlight is…

Jane Anderson – Program Manager, Programs


1. Where did you grow up? Where do you reside now?

I grew up near Buffalo, NY, and I like a lot of snow! I went to college in PA and never really left. I’ve lived in Meadville for the past 30 years.

2. What did you want to be when you grew up (when you were a child)?

I had no idea! I went to college intending to major in math and changed my major three times.

3. What guided you into the energy efficiency industry?

I started working part-time for the Meadville Community Energy Project, a non-profit promoting energy efficiency in the local community, and I’ve been learning about energy efficiency ever since! It appeals to me for environmental and economic reasons, but also just because I appreciate efficiency in all things.

4. What does a day in the life of Victor at PSD look it?

Each day is a little different, but it revolves around being responsive to our clients and program participants. That means making sure our internal processes are being followed, our software is working properly, and all our data is in order. It takes teamwork to keep our programs running smoothly and meeting our goals, and I have a great team to work with.

5. What is your favorite PSD-related memory?

Many years ago, one of our programs had a ribbon cutting event, for which we bought some really large scissors (they actually cut!). After the event, numerous people claimed ownership of the scissors and despite being cautiously guarded over the years, they have been stolen many times and have traveled to various offices. The ongoing saga is my favorite PSD story.

6. What do you do when you aren’t at work? Any interesting hobbies?

I swim regularly and I like to bake and cook. I enjoy hiking, boating, and other outside activities.

7. What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving! It’s all about family and food, and I get to make a lot of pies!

8. Favorite travel destination? Or dream travel destination?

Every summer I spend time at our family cabin on Georgian Bay, in Ontario. I’ve travelled to some beautiful sites, but that will always be my favorite place.

9. Favorite musician/genre?

I like an eclectic mix of music.

10. What is an interesting thing about yourself that not a lot of people know?

I spent three months backpacking around Europe when I was younger.


The famous scissors!

Thank you, Jane! We really appreciate you taking the time to do this and are excited to have people get the chance to know a little more about you and your contributions to our PSD Team.