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[intro_text]Clean energy companies assembled in Denver on November 3-4 for the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) annual Industry Growth Forum. The Industry Growth Forum has been an exciting venue for clean energy innovators to maximize their exposure to receptive capital and strategic partners.[/intro_text]

The 2015 Forum showcases 30 competitively selected emerging companies, provocative panels led by thought leaders, and facilitated networking sessions. Since 2003, presenting companies have collectively raised more than $5 billion in growth financing.

PSD’s CEO Greg Thomas was a panelist on NREL’s annual Industry Growth Forum. Other panelists included John Kaufman (Executive Vice President, Be Power Tech, Inc.), Jared Schwede (co-founder, Spark Thermionics) and Bill Hoagland (President, Element One, Inc.).

Read the article on Clean Technica: 30 Clean Energy Startups To Present At NREL Forum 


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