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2015 Update: Emelie Cuppernell, has been elected as the President of the Northeast Home Energy Rating System (NEHERS) Alliance 2015 Board by the Alliance membership. Read the Article

Emelie Cuppernell, Manager of Provider Services for Performance Systems Development (PSD), has been elected as the Secretary of the Northeast Home Energy Rating System (NEHERS) Alliance 2013 Board by the Alliance membership. Emelie’s election comes after seven years as a dedicated NEHERS member and participant. During this time she has helped draft the NEHERS Manual, which helps member HERS Raters interpret and apply RESNET standards and issues that are relevant to the Northeast.

In addition to her new position on the board, Emelie will also serve as the new Chair of the Quality Assurance Designee (QAD) Committee. As Chair, Emelie has said that she is “looking forward to working with experts in the field to support QAD members of the Alliance, and to use members’ expertise to address regional issues and incorporate them into future NEHERS Manuals.”

The NEHERS Alliance was formed in 1998 with the goal of promoting the HERS Program in the Northeast by standardizing and increasing “home energy ratings, and promote energy mortgages, and ENERGY STAR Homes throughout the region.” NEHERS is an alliance with a membership of over 100 people, including raters, rating providers, program administrators training providers and program members.

As the manager of PSD’s HERS Rater Provider, Emelie oversees rater education, training, communication, software and modeling support, and delivers ENERGY STAR 3.0 and HERS rater training for 70 raters in 15 states. Emelie has been a valued member of the PSD team for 9 years.

To learn more about the Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance.
Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance

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