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Home Energy Score

DOE approves Performance Systems Development as licensed software provider of the Home Energy Score API

[intro_text]ITHACA, NY – October 13, 2015: Performance Systems Development (PSD) has been approved as an official Department of Energy (DOE) software provider of The Home Energy Scoring Tool. As an approved provider, PSD may leverage the features of the Home Energy Score in the company’s technology platforms through robust application programming interfaces (API).[/intro_text]

This connection allows PSD to integrate the TREAT and Compass software tools directly with The Home Energy Scoring Tool eliminating the need for burdensome data inputs and processing protocols. As part of the testing and integration process along with customer engagements, PSD has successfully generated over 7,500 Home Energy Scores for a variety of jobs.

Similar to an automobile’s miles-per-gallon rating, the Home Energy Score allows homeowners and homebuyers to identify the amount of energy a home is expected to use; this allows homeowners to compare the energy performance of their home with others across the country. The Home Energy Score is rated on a 10-point scale. A perfect 10 represents the most efficient a home can be, while a 1 suggests that the home is terribly inefficient. The Home Energy Scoring Tool is designed to compare scores to one another, regardless of location or the number of occupants within the home.

While the Tool can generate recommendations if needed, PSD recognizes that many scores will be generated as part of home performance programs, and the software is able to generate a potential Home Energy Score based on the recommendations provided by the qualified assessor as part of the audit process. Since PSD has built the connection using the Home Performance XML (HPXML) data standard, it is possible to leverage other approved tools to easily generate a HES.

PSD is also working with a New York based municipality to develop a local home energy rating and disclosure program. This program has a goal of reducing the region’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by creating ties with local MLS listings in the hopes of driving the demand for energy efficiency towards a more market driven direction.

As of October 4th, 2015 the Home Energy Score Tool has helped 26,307 homeowners understand the energy performance of their home, and compared it to others nationwide. PSD is excited to build upon the Home Energy Score’s API and increase the number of homeowners reached with the tool; this will continue to support the company’s mission in achieving peak performance across America’s building stock.

Approved Home Energy Score Assessors or program implementation firms may contact PSD for further information.



[intro_text]At Performance Systems Development, we translate building science expertise into innovative energy efficiency program services and powerful software tools. We have a deep understanding of how buildings work and have been practicing a holistic approach to this challenge for over 15 years. Whether you’re looking to run an energy efficiency programbenchmark a portfolio of buildings, or provide better energy efficiency assessments, we offer the tools, services, and training to help you achieve success.[/intro_text]


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